website refresh

Many thanks to Pete at Metazoa for updating our website with a fresh new look and making it compliant with EU cookie regulation.

Changes in legislation now mean that websites have to give visitors the option to opt out of having cookies stored on their computer. Whilst we don't use cookies to track people, store personal information or for advertising, our website does use some cookies in order to work properly. If you've already ticked the box to accept cookies on our website and want to refer back to our cookie policy, you can find it here.

Happy browsing!

Apple iPad
    [type] => 8192
    [message] => preg_replace(): The /e modifier is deprecated, use preg_replace_callback instead
    [file] => /home/unkdu2gco5zj/public_html/lib/smarty/Smarty_Compiler.class.php
    [line] => 270